Caregiver Connections
Human and Social Services - Nonprofit Nonprofit
Caregiver Connections connects family caregivers of older adults to resources and respite that will empower them to be the best caregivers they can be. We offer one-on-one Care Consultations to help answer questions and connect families to appropriate resources. Senior Spot is our adult day program held twice a week for 3 hours to provide socialization for loved ones while caregivers get a break. We also offer support groups for caregivers of those with Alzheimer's or dementia as well as caregivers and those with Parkinson's. Our Medical Supply closet allows people to borrow used, durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs and walkers. Eagle County Caregiver Classifieds is our private Facebook group that allows family caregivers to post needs to connect with paid in-home caregivers looking for work.