Remote Worker & Solopreneur Industry Group 2024
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM) (MDT)
We are a business community based on local connections; however, we realize that many remote workers and solopreneurs (one-person businesses) also call this valley home and can often feel disconnected. This group is designed to bring a group of like-minded people together to address real challenges and issues with this type of work. Executive team coach Jon Strickler will take the participants through a curriculum designed to use both Jon’s coaching experience and the participants’ own expertise to address real situations and provide them with a deeper connection to the group and the valley.
Additional Info

$500* (VVP Members)/ $650 (Public Price)
*Scholarship funds may be available to VVP members in good standing – click here to view requirements and complete the scholarship application.
150 Miller Ranch Road
Edwards, CO 81632 United States
Remote Worker & Solopreneur Industry Group is an 8-part series. Sessions will be held on the 4th Wednesday of the month (Exception: April 17th, 3rd Wednesday) from 9am - 10:30am at Colorado Mountain College in Edwards. (April 17, May 22, June 26, July 24, August 28, September 25, October 23, November TBD)
Educational Programming
Networking Opportunities
Vail Valley Partnership Events Only