Workforce development is a key strategy to competitiveness
Workforce development is a key strategy to competitiveness
Workforce development is a key economic development initiative because it plays a crucial role in shaping the strength and competitiveness of the economy. Simply put, workforce development focuses on equipping individuals with the skills, knowledge, and abilities required by current and emerging industries. Workforce development initiatives ensure that our people are equipped with the right skills to meet the demands of the job market.
Workforce development is a key strategic priority area in most areas around the country, and maybe especially in our resort region. Eagle County’s population is currently one of Colorado’s youngest but is rapidly aging. While the youth, 18 to 25, and 46 to 60-year-old segments of the population remain constant at 25%, 8%, and 19% of the total population, respectively, state demographers are predicting a decline in the “family age” group of 26 to 45-year-olds, from almost 40% of the total in 2005 to about 24% by the year 2035. The older population, 61 and above, grows markedly, forecasted to comprise 22% of the total by 2035.
This demographic shift, and an increasing demand for skilled workforce across industry sectors, require a concerted community approach to workforce development efforts. The Partnership believes we should collectively focus our efforts on policies that will lead to a sustainable workforce and healthy business climate – such as investing in K-12 and higher education, and better aligning resources to address social needs (such as early childhood care and food insecurity).
Good public policy at a state and federal level must focus on equity, breaking down barriers of entry to employment, and focusing on workforce development initiatives while also fostering tax friendliness and a reasonable regulatory environment. These policies help grow and attract a well-educated and productive workforce, which fosters vibrant, diverse communities.
We engage and are involved in these efforts because we believe workforce development and education are important to our business community and future business growth.
Locally, career exploration is a key retention and talent pipeline initiative. Work-based learning allows individuals to explore different career paths and industries before making long-term commitments. It provides a firsthand understanding of the work environment, job responsibilities, and potential career trajectories, helping individuals make informed decisions about their future career paths.
Work-based learning also provides individuals with practical, hands-on experience in real work environments. This experience allows them to apply theoretical knowledge gained in classrooms to real-world situations, enhancing their understanding and skill development.
The good news? We’re seeing this locally. Eagle County Schools, Youth Power 365, Colorado Mountain College, Colorado Workforce Centers, Vail Valley Partnership, and our partners in the business community are committed to providing career exploration programs. For example, CareerWise coordinates apprenticeships among businesses, students, and educators that create opportunities for long-term impact.
CareerWise apprenticeships in Eagle County break down financial barriers, creating a highly skilled workforce that meets the complex demands of Colorado mountain resort companies, and provides multiple options for the student upon successful completion of the program.
Vail Valley Partnership has made an additional commitment to strengthening Eagle County’s current and future workforce. Vail Valley Works (an affiliated 501c3 foundation led by the Partnership) is the premier local source for ongoing professional development and workforce training. The programming is designed to establish, train, and support a network of local leaders who are ready to take on the challenges of an ever-changing community.
A focus on workforce development is crucial for our long-term economic sustainability and community resiliency. By continuously investing in workforce development, Eagle County can ensure a pipeline of skilled workers who can meet the evolving needs of our community.
Chris Romer is president & CEO of Vail Valley Partnership, the regional chamber of commerce. Learn more at VailValleyPartnership.com

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Organization Name : Vail Valley Partnership