What does community look like to you?
True community stands together in times of need
In today’s world, the word “community” gets tossed around quite a bit. It’s a catch-all phrase for the people around us, but have you ever thought about what community means to you? For me, it’s more than just a group living in the same place. It’s the connection, support, and shared purpose that bind us together. It’s not only the people in my immediate family but the people I work with and those I see regularly. Community is the fabric that makes a place feel like home.
Here in Eagle County, community is woven into our daily lives, whether we realize it or not. It’s in the friendly hellos exchanged at the post office or grocery store, the support we show for local businesses, and the willingness to step up when someone is in need. But the community is more than just an idea—we build and maintain it through conscious effort.
At its core, a strong community shares common values and goals. This manifests during challenging times when we are pushed to our limits. Many of us are drawn to Eagle County by a love of the outdoors, a desire to live active, healthy lives, work or family connections, and/or an appreciation for the beauty of nature. These shared values create a foundation on which we can connect with others. We may come from different backgrounds and walks of life, but it’s these common interests that bring us together and create a sense of belonging.
A true community stands together in times of need. The past few weeks (and the past few years) have shown us how important it is to have a network of support. Whether it’s helping a neighbor shovel snow, donating to a family in need, or volunteering our time, these small acts of kindness collectively build resilience. Our school leaders and police have earned grace and deserve respect for their thoughtful leadership.
During challenging times, it’s our connections with one another that keep us grounded. A strong community doesn’t just help its members survive tough moments - it helps them thrive. We’ve seen this here in Eagle County through countless acts of generosity and collaboration. These are the moments when the strength of a community truly shines, reminding us that we are not alone, even when (especially when) faced with uncertainty and challenges.
To me, community is also about creating a place where everyone feels like they belong. This is especially important in a place like the Vail Valley, which attracts visitors from all over the world. While many people come here for short stays, there’s a sense of welcome that extends to newcomers and long-time residents alike. The people here care about each other’s stories, and there’s always room for one more at the table.
Community doesn’t just happen. It requires intentionality and it is built through the choices we make each day, the relationships we nurture, and the ways we show up for one another. It’s easy to think that someone else will take care of the work, but community-building is everyone’s responsibility.
We each have the power to create positive ripple effects, whether through a friendly conversation with a stranger, attending a local event, or offering support to someone who needs it. Every interaction matters. Every act of kindness strengthens the connections that hold us together. Because in the end, a strong community isn’t just nice to have - it’s essential to living a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Chris Romer is president & CEO of Vail Valley Partnership, the regional chamber of commerce. Learn more at VailValleyPartnership.com

Additional Info
Organization Name : Vail Valley Partnership