The Importance of Having Purpose

The Importance of Having Purpose

VVP President's Post

Purpose and the Hero's Journey


The hero's journey, a concept popularized by mythologist Joseph Campbell, is a narrative structure found in stories from cultures around the world. It describes a hero who ventures out into the unknown, faces challenges, gains new insights, and returns transformed.

The hero's journey consists of several stages, typically including:

  1. The Call to Adventure: The hero is invited to leave their ordinary world and embark on a trip.
  2. Crossing the Threshold: The hero leaves the familiar behind and enters the unknown.
  3. Trials and Tribulations: The hero faces challenges and adversaries, often with the help of allies.
  4. The Abyss: The hero confronts their greatest fear or challenge.
  5. Transformation: Through overcoming the abyss, the hero is transformed.
  6. The Return: The hero returns to the ordinary world, bringing back newfound wisdom or a boon to share with others.

This journey is not only a storytelling framework popularized in books and movies by well-loved characters such as Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, and Dorothy. Still, it is also a metaphor for personal growth and the value of having purpose. Understanding the hero's journey illustrates the importance of having a sense of purpose in our lives, guiding us toward fulfillment and resilience.

The hero’s path resonates because it mirrors the stages of personal growth and transformation that many of us experience in our own lives. Consider Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, Neo in The Matrix, or Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird; their paths follow the same template as Luke’s, Harry’s, and Dorothy’s. As do our lives: whether pursuing a career, overcoming personal struggles, or striving for self-improvement, we all undertake our version of the hero's journey.

The important theme in the hero's journey is the pursuit of purpose. The hero's quest, in movies, books, or everyday life, is not random. It is driven by a deep-seated need to achieve something meaningful.

Having a sense of purpose provides direction and motivation. It is a guiding star, helping us navigate life's challenges and uncertainties. When we have a clear understanding of what we are striving for, we can set goals and make decisions that align with our purpose. This focus can be particularly valuable in difficult times, providing the perseverance needed to overcome obstacles.

The purpose is further linked to personal fulfillment. Engaging in activities that align with our purpose brings a sense of satisfaction and meaning. It transforms mundane tasks into meaningful endeavors and gives our lives a sense of coherence.

Like the hero in their journey, those with a clear purpose can endure and overcome significant hardships. They have resilience. Whether it's through community service, creative expression, or professional achievements, pursuing our purpose allows us to make a positive impact on the world. This sense of contribution fosters a deeper connection with others and enriches our relationships, creating a sense of belonging and shared mission.

The hero's journey is more than just a storytelling framework; it is a powerful metaphor for personal development and the pursuit of purpose. By understanding this journey, and applying it to our paths, we can identify our purpose.

Purpose helps us find direction, fulfillment, resilience, and connection. Embracing our role as the hero in our lives encourages us to seek out and fulfill our unique purposes, ultimately enriching our lives and the lives of those around us. In a world filled with challenges and opportunities, having a sense of purpose is not just important—it is essential for a meaningful and impactful existence.

Chris Romer is president & CEO of Vail Valley Partnership, the regional chamber of commerce. Learn more at 


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