Story of the Month: Equipping Family Caregivers with Respite, Resources and Support so Your Loved One Can Age in Place
November is National Family Caregivers Month, when we celebrate and honor family caregivers of older adults. Here in Eagle County, older adults 65+ are the fastest growing population, which means an increase in the number of family caregivers in our community. Older adults are only one diagnosis or accident away from needing care themselves, and most of us know someone who has the responsibility of being a caregiver for a loved one. Caregiver Connections connects family caregivers of older adults to resources and respite that empower them to be the best caregivers they can be.
Over the past few years, as more people choose the Vail Valley as their long-term home, Caregiver Connections has experienced exponential growth in those needing their programs & services. In close collaboration with an extensive network of community health providers, including Eagle County Public Health, Vail Health, Eagle County Paramedic Services, Eagle Valley Community Foundation and other partners, more referrals are coming; more people are seeking an earlier diagnosis of dementia, Parkinson's, cognitive impairment and other complex diseases; and many more people are looking to stay at home in Eagle County as a great place to live...and to age!
Started by a group of family caregivers in 2011, Caregiver Connections supports Eagle County older adults and their families, regardless of socio-economic status, through low- or no-cost services, programs and educational resources. Since 70% of people over the age of 65 will require some type of long-term care in their lifetime and more than one in five Americans provides care for a loved one without training, support or financial assistance, Caregiver Connections wants to empower and support them in this stressful and isolating experience.
This past year alone, Caregiver Connections has delivered:
- 1,500 hours of Respite services through the Senior Spot adult day program
- More than 150 Care Consultations
- Addition of a monthly Parkinson's Support Group, in addition to current twice-monthly Dementia Support Groups
- Increased usage of the FREE Medical Supply Closet
- and much more
The Caregiver Connections relationship often begins with Care Consultations, a one-on-one meeting with an Aging Life Care Specialist to understand the family’s needs & concerns and to connect them with appropriate resources and support. Topics may include home readiness, finding in-home care, meeting financial needs and more. The goal is to help caregivers and the care recipient get the support they need to move forward after receiving a difficult diagnosis and to show them that there is help here in Eagle County. Care Consultations more than doubled in 2024, and the dedicated, compassionate Aging Life Specialist aims to be the first friendly contact when someone is facing new diagnosis or significant life change.
“Caregiver Connections has been invaluable in taking time to find out what needs we have surrounding Dad's care and actively seeking out resources to help us. I sincerely don't think we would have been able to function as well as we have as a family, if not for the care and resources provided by Caregiver Connections,” said one family caregivers this year.
The Senior Spot, the unique adult day respite program, allows those under care to socialize with activities like gentle exercise, crafts, games, music, lunch and special outings, while giving family caregivers some much-needed time for themselves. Meeting twice weekly, Senior Spot is the only respite program in Eagle County and one of a kind throughout the Western Slope.
As one caregiver shared, “Senior Spot is the highlight of my husband's week, to gather with other seniors in a safe setting. He looks forward to the conversation, fun activities and sense of compassionate & companionable community. It is a great relief to me that he feels valued and included while being cared for. He even gets a delicious lunch!”
Educational programming includes the popular bi-monthly Aging Well Speaker Series, presented in partnership with Eagle County Healthy Aging, free and open to the public. Recent topics have included Resilience, Heart Health, Estate Planning, Decluttering & Downsizing and more.
As a valuable community resource, the FREE Medical Supply Closet loans out durable medical equipment like walkers, bed rails, wheelchairs and more to any who need it (aging, post-surgery, physical rehab, long-term care or other). In 2024, the Closet expanded to a larger storage area to accommodate all the donations, which are made available to Eagle County residents who have short-term needs or simply cannot afford to purchase needed equipment.
As an avenue of connecting caregivers to the resources they need, community support is also provided through a new platform, Eagle County Caregiver Classifieds, which is a private Facebook group connecting paid caretakers with local care recipients. As we all know, Eagle County faces a shortage of in-home caregivers who can assist families in keeping their loved one at home. "We hope more and more people will consider being an in-home caregiver as it offers them greater flexibility, extra income, and sometimes even housing," Samantha Hodgkins, Executive Director at Caregiver Connections shared.
Because the conditions that affect families don't discriminate, the organization facilitates Support Groups for Dementia and Parkinson’s, as a safe, supportive space to learn more about navigating the disease, as well as get to know others facing the same challenges.
Caregiving isn't just for the elderly. Whether it's a spouse, aging parent or adult child, there are lots of questions, unknowns, fear, and anxiety. Caregiving takes a real toll on emotional well-being, not only of the care recipient but of the caregivers as well. Caregivers Connections is here to help!
If you are interested in learning more, getting help for your family or volunteering with Caregiver Connections, visit our website at getcaregiverconnections.org, contact us at support@getcaregiverconnections.org, or call us directly at 970-445-0312.

Additional Info
Organization Name : Caregiver Connections