Snow Reverses Seasonal Fortunes, Revenue Approaches Last Year, and Economy Properties Stand Out
Last month we were pretty concerned about how winter was shaping up in the West. In fact, we admitted that unless Mother Nature started to cooperate, we'd probably be looking at a shortened season and lower revenue. As much as we'd like to think she was listening to us, she was certainly listening to someone, and what a difference a month can make. With relatively sound economic conditions, snow was the only missing ingredient, but what a souffle it made when it arrived. Consistent and widespread snowfall during February triggered the largest increase in booking pace since May 2023 and reversed a four-month negative trend. Rates held - mostly - and revenue deficits lessened for the first time in seven months, now almost flat with last year's records. And hidden in the data are a few more gems, like an increase in pure demand, and the fact that economy properties had the capacity - and the price point - to capture the bigger share of the bookings after months of struggling with soft performance.
Click here to see the March Western Region Mountain Marketing Briefing.
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