Pragmatic solutions to our political divide
Pragmatic solutions are better than political division
Consider the opening line of the Constitution of the United States: “We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…” (emphasis added). Note the focus on unity as the baseline foundation for our country. It is aspirational and inspirational, and important.
Yet we are undeniably divided, gridlocked over social and economic issues with no clear path forward on how to meaningfully bridge these differences. We have lost the unity that has long defined our success.
I am confident that the answer isn’t in our traditional political system. As a self-described “radical centrist”, I see benefits and drawbacks to aspects of both the Democrat and Republican party platforms. I’m not alone in this; 30% of voters nationally and a whopping 46% of voters in Colorado are unaffiliated and choose not to associate with either major party.
My political centrism is based on a strongly held belief that genuine solutions require realism and pragmatism, not just idealism and emotion. One text defines radical centrism as "idealism without illusions", a phrase originally credited to John F. Kennedy. In simple terms, my guiding principle is based on using evidence, rather than raw ideology, to guide my decisions.
This focus on pragmatic solutions leads me to solve problems by seeking to find the inevitable middle ground between extremes that incorporates the best from both the left and right. Melding together ideas from both sides leads me to support market-based solutions to social problems (typically a right view), with strong government oversight in the public interest (typically a left view).
As we approach the 2024 election, Republicans need to realize it is not about Hunter Biden (or his laptop) or election fraud, or outside influences such as George Soros or Klaus Schwab. It is equally important for Democrats to realize it is not about Orange Man Bad or established constitutional issues such as the Second Amendment or defunding the police. Both sides would benefit by avoiding the divisive culture war du jour. Focusing on these things makes both parties seem fringe, out of touch, and unlikeable.
With that in mind, there is a path forward. Both sides can choose to embrace a centrist approach without selling out their core values.
Focus on building trust. Trust enables action and action builds trust. The precondition for trust is a system that works for all. That is our perennial task, and neither party owns this lane.
Work with and not against Government. The best societal outcomes occur when business and government work together. That goes especially for policies that raise living standards, offer opportunities for continuing education/reskilling, and improve public safety. That means partnership on a broader set of issues including privacy and security, geopolitics, and moderate supervision of new technologies.
Market solutions to problems are preferable to government solutions. Businesses have a leadership role to play by investing in fair compensation, and skills training for workers, and their communities. The best solutions are typically those that arise from competition in the “marketplace of ideas.”
Hold divisive forces accountable. Support politicians and media that build consensus and cooperation, not those that focus on division and hatred. Spoiler: division doesn’t build trust.
The current state is not sustainable. Rural versus urban, Republicans versus Democrats, us versus them. No one wins when provided with these false choices. A centrist approach encourages mutual understanding and respect and can lead to collective action and shared goals. This just might be the path forward to developing a stronger sense of community. The real question is if either party will recognize the opportunity before it is too late.
Chris Romer is president & CEO of Vail Valley Partnership, the regional chamber of commerce. Learn more at VailValleyPartnership.com

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Organization Name : Vail Valley Partnership