Leap of Kindness Day
Leap of Kindness Day celebrates community by recognizing kindness
2024 is a Leap Year, and this means we all get one extra day on Thursday, February 29, 2024. What will you do with your extra day? Our idea – use your extra day to do something kind for someone else and encourage everyone in your network to do the same.
In a world often driven by competition and self-interest, the significance of kindness cannot be overstated. Kindness is not merely a virtue confined to personal interactions; its impact extends far beyond individual relationships, reaching into the realms of business and society.
Leap of Kindness Day was invented by our friends at the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce in 2016, and area employers and their employees donated time, talent, and treasure to support local nonprofits, seniors, first responders, health care workers, Veterans, animal shelters, etc. In 2020, more than 200 Chambers of Commerce from across the US, Canada, and even Ireland (including Vail Valley Partnership) participated in Leap of Kindness Day,
What is Leap of Kindness Day? The concept is to inspire folks all around the world to use their extra day to do something kind for someone else. Do we need a leap year to express kindness? Probably not. But is a leap year a good reason to lean into kindness? Probably so. After all, there are very valid reasons to participate.
Kindness fosters a positive work environment, breaking down barriers and promoting collaboration. In a business setting, employees who experience kindness are more likely to communicate openly, share ideas, and collaborate effectively. This leads to improved teamwork and productivity. Kindness leads to better business results.
It is more than just “being nice.” A kind and compassionate workplace promotes employee morale and loyalty. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to be engaged in their work, resulting in increased job satisfaction and decreased turnover. This stability benefits the business by maintaining institutional knowledge and reducing recruitment costs.
Kindness is not just an issue in the workplace. Kindness is a powerful tool in providing excellent customer service – something we pride ourselves in here in Eagle County. Businesses that prioritize kindness in their interactions with customers not only build trust but also create positive brand associations. A kind and respectful approach to customer relations can lead to repeat business, customer loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth advertising.
These all foster a sense of kindness in the broader community. Kindness, in many ways, is a cornerstone of strong, interconnected communities. Acts of kindness, whether small or large, contribute to the overall well-being of society. When individuals and businesses engage in philanthropy and community service, they help address societal challenges and create a more supportive and harmonious environment.
Here are some ideas of ways to participate in Leap of Kindness Day 2024:
- Organize a drive for essential items and personally deliver the collected goods to a local charity on February 29.
- Express gratitude to first responders by delivering meals or snacks to your local fire, police, or EMS station on Leap of Kindness Day.
- Encourage your children to write and deliver heartfelt thank-you notes to educators, custodians, bus drivers, and others on February 29th.
- Reach out to local care facilities, hospitals, senior or youth centers, and agencies assisting those with unique needs. Collect and deliver items tailored to their specific requirements on Leap of Kindness Day.
More information about Leap of Kindness Day, including additional ideas on how to participate, is available at leapofkindnessday.org.
You can also view volunteer opportunities with Vail Valley Partnership members here.
Chris Romer is president & CEO of Vail Valley Partnership, the regional chamber of commerce. Learn more at VailValleyPartnership.com

Additional Info
Organization Name : Vail Valley Partnership