Hickenlooper, Bennet Welcome Over $244 Million in Federal Funding to Expand Apprenticeship Programs, $16 Million for Colorado Workers

Hickenlooper, Bennet Welcome Over $244 Million in Federal Funding to Expand Apprenticeship Programs, $16 Million for Colorado Workers

Community News

Announcement represents largest single federal investment in apprenticeships in U.S. history. Over $16 million headed to Colorado!

U.S. Senators John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet celebrated the Department of Labor’s announcement of over $244 million in federal grants for apprenticeship programs across the country, including over $16 million for Colorado organizations working to train skilled workers and close critical workforce gaps.

“Our outdated education model leaves talented students in the lurch while critical industries struggle to hire enough skilled workers,” said Hickenlooper. “In Colorado, we know apprenticeships are the onramp students desperately need; now the rest of the country can follow our lead.” 

“I hear all the time from veterans and single parents in Colorado who want to provide for themselves and their families, but who haven’t been given the tools to earn a living wage. Thankfully, Colorado has companies that want to hire them and excellent programs like these to train them,” said Bennet. “I’m grateful for these investments which will help connect Coloradans with sustainable careers and create economic mobility for workers of every background.”

The Department of Labor’s $244 million announcement is the largest combined federal investment in apprenticeships in U.S. history. The funding will be allocated through two federal grant programs – the Apprenticeship Building America initiative and the State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula. The funding targets organizations that are already training and up-skilling workers in fields that are critical to the country’s economy and national security including education, clean energy, cybersecurity, and manufacturing.

Of the total $244 million in federal funding, Colorado is receiving over $16 million in grant funding for the following organizations:



Grant Amount


The Arapahoe/Douglas Workforce Development Board



Activate Work Inc.



CareerWise Colorado



Vail Valley Works Inc.



Colorado Department of Labor and Employment


As governor, Hickenlooper jump-started CareerWise Colorado, a nonprofit designed to create statewide youth apprenticeship opportunities to prepare students for high-paying, competitive jobs at Colorado companies. Hickenlooper has continued that leadership in the Senate as chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety.

Earlier this year, Hickenlooper introduced the Lifelong Learning Act, which would allocate additional resources to workforce training programs that address the upskilling needs of current workers, and the Youth Apprenticeship Advancement Act, which would establish a competitive federal grant to boost workforce training programs that provide a direct pipeline to competitive careers.

More information on the awards is available HERE and HERE.

"We are deeply honored and excited to receive this substantial support from the Biden-Harris administration. This investment will significantly advance our mission to create more robust and accessible apprenticeship pathways, providing young people with the skills and opportunities they need to succeed in the workforce and pursue their American dream,” said Noel Ginsburg, CEO and founder of CareerWise.

“We are delighted and honored to be a recipient of the Apprenticeship Building America grant. A leader in building IT apprenticeships for Colorado tech employers, ActivateWork catalyzes prosperity for Coloradans while helping fill critical talent shortages. We believe there is no surer or shorter pathway to economic mobility than apprenticeship,” said Helen Hayes, Founder and CEO of ActivateWork.

“The Apprenticeship Building America grant will help strengthen our youth apprenticeship program in Eagle County. This vital talent pipeline development program in our rural resort region will strengthen the workforce by offering hands-on experience, fostering local talent, and ensuring a steady pipeline of skilled professionals ready to support and grow the local economy. It will further expand the collaboration between the school district and local industry partners, increasing opportunities for both our students and our business community,” said Chris Romer, President and CEO of Vail Valley Partnership.

“The Arapahoe/Douglas Workforce Development Board and Arapahoe/Douglas Works! are honored to receive this grant, which enables the Colorado Apprenticeship HUB to expand its work of bringing high-quality registered apprenticeship opportunities to more residents across the state. This funding allows us to develop innovative opportunities responsive to industry needs and supportive of economic growth,” said Peter Hancock, Chair of the Arapahoe/Douglas Workforce Development Board.

"We are very excited to see continued investment from USDOL in Colorado's talent development ecosystem. Apprenticeships play a critical role in connecting Coloradans of all ages with in-demand career paths, and the Colorado Workforce Development Council is excited to partner with Apprenticeship Colorado in the execution of this grant award,” said Lee Wheeler-Berliner, Managing Director, Colorado Workforce Development Council.

Additional Info

Organization Name : Vail Valley Partnership

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