Caregiver Connections: Providing Support So Your Loved One Can Age in Place
We would all prefer to age healthy and in our homes, but 70% of people over the age of 65 will require some type of long-term care in their lifetime. Imagine that you or a loved one has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, Parkinson’s, a traumatic brain injury, or a severe physical disability. This type of diagnosis often results in a family member becoming a full-time caregiver for at least some period of time and having to make difficult decisions.
Caregiver Connections was started by a group of family caregivers in 2011 with a mission to connect family caregivers of older adults to resources and respite that will empower them to be the best caregivers they can be. More than one in five Americans provide care for a loved one without training, support, or financial assistance. This is a very stressful and isolating experience, but Caregiver Connections can help!
The first program Caregiver Connections established was The Senior Spot, an adult day program that gave caregivers a break while providing a positive experience and socialization for their loved one. It remains the only program of its kind in Eagle County with an average of fifteen attending. Senior Spot is held every Monday and Wednesday from 12:00 to 3:00 PM at the Golden Eagle Senior Center in Eagle and includes lunch, gentle exercise, music, crafts, and reminiscing. The group also enjoys field trips to Betty Ford Gardens, Sylvan Lake, pottery painting at Dewey Dabbles, and lunch out to local restaurants.
One of their caregivers shared, “Senior Spot is the highlight of my Dad's week, to gather with other seniors in a safe setting. He looks forward to the conversation and sense of a reliable community. It is a great relief to me that he is feeling valued and included while being cared for and he even gets a meal.”
Caregiver Connections’ programs and services have grown to meet the needs of our community. They now collaborate with an extensive network of other providers including Eagle County Public Health, Vail Health, Eagle County Paramedic Services, and Eagle Valley Community Foundation to identify people in need. their relationships usually start with Care Consultations, a one-on-one meeting with an Aging Life Professional to understand the family’s needs, answer questions, provide solutions, and connect them with appropriate resources and support. The number of Care Consultations has more than doubled in 2023 - and their goal is to be that first friendly contact when someone is facing new diagnosis or significant life change.
“Caregiver Connections has been invaluable in taking time to find out what needs we have surrounding Dad's care and actively seeking out resources to help us. I sincerely don't think we would have been able to function as well as we have as a family, if not for the care and resources provided by Caregiver Connections,” said one of their family caregivers this year.
Another way they serve caregivers is through their Dementia and Parkinson’s Support Groups. This creates a safe place for caregivers to learn more about the disease their loved one is facing, as well as get to know others facing the same challenges.
Eagle County faces a shortage of in-home caregivers who can assist families in keeping their loved one at home. This year, they created a new service called Eagle County Caregiver Classifieds, a private Facebook group that helps family caregivers connect with paid in-home caregivers looking for work. "We hope more and more people will consider being an in-home caregiver as it offers them greater flexibility, extra income, and sometimes even housing," Melinda Gladitsch, Director of Development at Caregiver Connections shared.
Lastly, their Medical Supply Closet loan program had to move to a larger storage area in 2023 to accommodate the donations of wheelchairs, walkers and other durable medical equipment. This is a great service for Eagle County residents who have short-term needs or simply can’t afford to purchase needed equipment.
If you are interested in learning more or volunteering with Caregiver Connections, visit our website at https://www.getcaregiverconnections.org or by calling 970-445-0312.
If you are interested in learning more about how to plan to age at home, attend their educational event, “Why Leave Home? How to age in place and what it means for you and your family” on November 14 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at Colorado Mountain College in Edwards. Their panel of experts will help you begin planning for in-home care now before it becomes a necessity. To RSVP, email Melinda.gladitsch@getcaregiverconnections or call 970-471-0175.

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Organization Name : Caregiver Connections