High Five Access Media

High Five Access Media


Activities Nonprofit Education Educational Education - Nonprofit


Our mission is to empower the local community, through media education and technology, to become civically engaged, express ideas, and advocate for causes.

High Five Access Media (HFAM) is a nonprofit, noncommercial, grassroots community organization. We achieve our mission by providing the community coverage of Local Government meetings, free access to Media Education, Facilities and Gear, television and internet distribution, low-cost production services, and unique productions.

HFAM is available on Comcast Channel 5 in the upper Eagle Valley. But we’re more than just a television station. If you cut the cord, subscribe to satellite TV, or live down valley, HFAM programming is simulcast at Live on Five and available anytime, on demand.

We are primarily funded by franchise fees provided to the towns of Vail and Avon from Comcast. The towns hold franchise agreements with Comcast. These agreements allow the cable operator to distribute their programming on cables in public-owned rights of way and make a profit. In return for using these right of ways, Comcast pays the towns a portion of their profits to the towns, which approve funding for HFAM. The franchise agreements may be found on the Vail and Avon websites. We also receive funding through grants, donations, underwriting, and production services. If you're interested supporting HFAM, consider making a donation, underwriting a program or get involved.


JK Perry
Executive Director

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